- Grikk·land
- n. propr.Греция
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Varangian runestones — … Wikipedia
Varangian Runestones — The Varangian Runestones are runestones that mention voyages to the East ( Austr ) or the Eastern route ( Austrvegr ), or to more specific eastern locations such as Garðaríki (what is today Russia and Ukraine). There are also many additional… … Wikipedia
Greece Runestones — The Greece Runestones comprise around 30 runestones containing information related to voyages made by Scandinavians to Greece , which refers to the Byzantine Empire (ON.: Grikkland , Grikk(i)aR ), during the Viking Age and until the early 12th… … Wikipedia